Turmeric is a whole food that can improve your health in several ways. That’s not me saying it; science-backed and evidence-based proof supports this statement.
Used in ancient healing practices for thousands of years, turmeric still offers significant health rewards today. Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda (a traditional Indian healing practice) can attest to this.
Yellow in color, this is a very versatile spice. You can add turmeric to just about any dish for a healthy, flavor-enhancing boost. You can get many ideas from this article, “15 Ways to Add Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Root to Your Life.“
This spice is so good nutrition researcher Kris Gunnars calls it possibly “… the most effective nutritional supplement in existence.” Like so many whole foods, it elevates your brain function while making your body healthier.
Let’s take a look at some of the ways eating turmeric can positively impact your life.
Curcumin is the Key to Fighting Inflammation
Inflammation is bad to the human body in a number of ways. When any internal or external body part or process becomes inflamed, it stops working properly. Because of this, inflammation can lead to the decline of your physical and mental health.
Many in the medical profession believe inflammation has some role in nearly every chronic human disease. These include cancer and heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and Alzheimer’s.
The curcumin in turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory. This single property means this spice automatically makes you healthier inside and out. However, you still need to give it a nudge in order to get the full benefit of this powerful spice.
You should add black pepper (even olive oil) to turmeric. This mixture will enable your body to use it more efficiently. The piperine in pepper increases the ability of your body to absorb the curcumin by an incredible 2,000%.
Unfortunately, you don’t see the health benefits if you only add this spice to your meals every now and then. You must be consistent in using turmeric. Otherwise, consider taking a turmeric supplement daily to get enough of this powerful anti-inflammatory into your body.
Boost the Antioxidant Capability of Your Body
Eating turmeric regularly will actually increase your antioxidant powers by blocking harmful free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that prevent essential fatty acids and proteins from doing their job to keep you healthy. Furthermore, they can harm your DNA.
Turmeric encourages your body to produce its own antioxidants while simultaneously boosting your immune system. This not only helps with cancer prevention, but keeps you more youthful for a longer period of time.
Boost Your Brainpower
The brain can improve when you add this spice to your healthy eating plan. As mentioned earlier, curcumin fights inflammation in the brain and elsewhere throughout the body. Curcumin also improves brain function and lowers the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
You see, the brain-boosting power of turmeric ensures your levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are high. When Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other neurological disorders are found, there is often a correlating decreased level of BDNF.
Neuroscientists believe this is because turmeric helps neurons form new connections in the brain. This improves cognitive function, memory, learning, and overall mental health.
Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
Heart disease is the leading preventable killer in many countries, and is the #1 cause of death worldwide. Making smart lifestyle choices can limit the risk of developing heart disease such as having a stroke or heart attack.
One simple lifestyle choice you can make to boost your heart health is to start eating more turmeric. This helps your heart by preventing inflammation.
Turmeric aids your heart by strengthening the lining of your blood vessels. Endothelium is the name of the substance which coats your blood vessels.
A major factor in the development of many heart diseases occurs when your endothelial walls begin to function improperly. We have known this for some time. Eaten regularly, you can reduce the risk that you will suffer a heart attack, stroke, or some other heart disease.
Use Turmeric to Treat Depression
In Ayurveda and TCM, turmeric is often prescribed to treat symptoms of depression and stress. In one study, taking a daily turmeric supplement was as beneficial as taking Prozac, a depression drug; a drug, along with other anti-depressants, well-known to have unfortunate side-effects. This whole food treats depression without any of those negative consequences.
Turmeric isn’t a cure-all for every ailment we suffer. It does, however, go a long way to prevent the most deadly. With little effort, it helps us live better, healthier lives.
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